Hero Within Begins...

May 08, 2016

Hero Within Begins...

The official Hero Within website has been under construction since early May. Welcome to the 'News' section of the site where we will make special announcements, reveal new product and share what's coming up with Hero Within. Spending many months building our new company, the time has come to launch. We are excited to reveal to the world the future of nerd fashion. This site will open for Pre-Orders first from July 6 to July 31. It's possible we may close early due to over-selling so buy yours today!

We are proud to say we are officially licensed by DC Comics™ and grateful that they see the potential in this collection- we hope you do to. We also look forward to expanding our line in the near future! We already have some new items that we will sure soon. Also check out our Heroes Blog where we will focus on geek culture, fashion and Comic-Con. Thanks so much and we hope you celebrate your inner hero!

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