Avengers End Game Teaser

December 09, 2018

Avengers End Game Teaser

The end is near. It's only been about 8 months since Avengers Infinity War but it has felt like an eternity with fans speculating on the fate of the MCU. Last week, we were not only gifted with an extended trailer for Captain Marvel but then we got our first look at the newly titled Avengers End Game. Granted, this is just a teaser and it would appear to be footage from only the first moments of the film. Not much is revealed except that a couple of characters will be back to bring some much needed reinforcements to a decimated team. What's really amazing is that this is the grandest superhero movie of all time and yet, it features no superheroes. Amazing. We're sure you are as excited as we are and now the 4 month countdown begins!

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