Comic Con Revolution

May 18, 2018

Comic Con Revolution

This weekend we are heading to a new con, Comic Con Revolution in Ontario, CA! For CCR, this is their second year in Ontario with their sister show in Florida. Our experience so far with the staff and crew have been fantastic and we are really looking forward to meeting and making new fans. We'll be near the back of the convention center at booth 641 (map below) so come see us! We'll be offering 'con only' specials just for you!

More about CCR:

"Comic Con Revolution was founded on very simple principles. We are excited to celebrate comics and the creative arts. At the absolute core of what we do are the creators themselves. The people who create the comics, games, toys, film, movies and more that we all love. Without their tireless dedication to creating the fantastic worlds we all get lost in events like Comic Con Revolution would not be possible"


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