How to Rock New Style at Comic-Con and Beyond

July 08, 2016

How to Rock New Style at Comic-Con and Beyond

"That won't look good on me," or "That's not my style" are common thoughts when it comes to trying something new in fashion and clothes. Similar thoughts are also smokescreens to deter me from shifting out of my comfort zone.

I remember attending my first SDCC. It was a little overwhelming, and a little uncomfortable at first, but after some time, it got easier. The same can be said about trying something new or refreshing with ones wardrobe not just at a geek's ball like SDCC but in any event.

Here's how to debut new clothes to your wardrobe and the rest of your world:

1) Small steps - My first SDCC was late on a Sunday with one friend who was also new to the scene. We had no idea where to go and where to turn our heads. We even stood in a line that we ended up paying money for in the end (Sean Astin $40). But now, cons are routine fun for us. When it comes to fashion, chances are you're not taking a big leap going from goth to prep or Harajuku to hipster. Start with something small like switching up a color, patter, texture different from what you'd normally wear. Maybe you'd add flare, buttons, pins to what's normally a blank canvas. Small steps end up showing up as great strides over time.

2) Shout It Out - No one in our circle had SDCC experience, and it wasn't as big then as it is now. Also, we didn't know about Crazy4Comiccon's tips! But with flexing your clothes, it's OK to get some eyes on it prior to wearing it out. Social media and texting to one or two close confidants can get some constructive criticism to help you along your way. There's a risk to be taken here! Heck, you can even send it our way at Hero Within. We'd love to talk geek fashion all day! We're here for you! Soon you'll be hashtagging "#OOTD" in no time.

3) Runway vs. Run Away - There's a big difference between "runway" and "run away." When you try on your new style at home or in the dressing room, you may be uncomfortable or unsure for a minute or so, but it will eventually click: Yes or No. You will want to take the risk and go through with it, which may at times look like an unsure "Nah..." Go for it! The proverbial runway is right when you try something on and you feel yourself confident and expressing yourself in something new yet something you. BONUS: Bring someone along during the proverbial runway part whether it's near the fitting room or trying stuff on at home. SDCC is tough when going it alone. If I didn't have my friend with me that day, I probably would've been disheartened by the enormity of the con and never gone back. It's encouraging and easier having others next to you when trying new things.

From here, you'll show your family or friends, take your new style with you to San Diego Comic Con and walk in epic geek fashion throughout the showroom, the many off-sites like Game of Bloggers and maybe even meet your favorite celebrity.

There, you've dawned a new side of you, yourself by taking a risk with small steps! And what better place to fashion such risks than the most welcoming community, San Diego Comic Con!

So what will you be fashioning at SDCC this year? A new cosplay? A graphic tee with some fashionable framework around it? Feel free to share in the comments!



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