Let's Get Fashionably Nerdy at Long Beach Comic Con

September 20, 2016

Let's Get Fashionably Nerdy at Long Beach Comic Con

This past weekend, Hero Within was invited to be on the Let's Get Fashionably Nerdy panel at Long Beach Comic Con. For years the site, Fashionably Nerdy, has been covering the latest trends in geek style and has hosted panels at many of the major cons. The panel description below:

Geek Fashion is incredible! Incorporate your love of your fandom into everyday fashion. Panelists explore how to translate your favorite fandoms into today’s latest fashion trends from “red carpet” to casual looks for men and women with a digital presentation and panel discussion. Talented fashion designers will talk about their lines and how to dress fashionably while expressing yourself and the things you love. Moderated by Stephanie Pressman (Fashionably Nerdy) with Panelists: Katie Elhoffer (Elhoffer Designs), Tiffany Mink (Whosits & WhatsitsTony B Kim (Hero Within) and Bonnie Gordan (Fashionably Nerdy).

I had a great time on this panel and the host, Stephanie Pressman, always does an awesome job moderating. I finally met the amazing Katie Elhoffer IRL even though we've podcasted together and interacted online for months. I also met and got to know the sweet Tiffany Minx from Whosits & Whatsits, a charming and creative geek apparel site. Bonnie and I only got a chance to chat for a moment but I know her from her quirky band the Library Bards. A few highlights from the panel:

  • During our time together, we all shared a similar origin story; there was a gap in the market and out of frustration, we each created apparel that we wanted to buy.
  • No one is going to give you permission and resources, you just have to go out there and try. You don't know if there is a market until you put something out there.
  • Expressing everyday fandom is the future. While there are now tons of fan fashion out there, subtle and sophisticated is the future. 
  • Geek fashion is important because it's empowering. Fashion gives us a chance to express our passions- and we should be able to do that in every context like school, work and play.
  • There are such few options for guys. Period. Musterbrand and Hero Within are the few that are doing actually licensed fashion apparel for guys. 
  • Men are not great shoppers and the women make most of the clothing purchases for the household. Geek girls, you have to help out our guys.
  • We ended with some of the geek fashions we want to see go away but you'll have to listen to the podcast to hear those.

To listen to the whole panel, you can go to Crazy4ComicCon.com. Check out my fashion comrades and follow them. Thanks to any of you who attended and hope Hero Within will see you at our next show (Comikaze Expo)!

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