Phoenix Fan Fusion!

May 21, 2019

Phoenix Fan Fusion!

We are excited to return to one of our favorite cons of the year, Phoenix Fan Fusion! You can find us on the first level exhibit hall at booth 890 near the center of the floor (see map below). We will also be hosting a number of panels ranging from the comical to the poignant. Check out the descriptions below and join us at the panels. We'll see you this week!

Building A Geek Brand (Fri, 4:30p) North 229AB
Do you dream of converting your nerd passion into a full-time career but feel overwhelmed with the next steps? Whether writing your first book, becoming a YouTube personality or creating an innovative product, the road to success can be filled with many obstacles and pitfalls. This panel of geek pros will help you get started, discover some shortcuts, and inspire you to make an impact in pop culture. Hosted by Hero Within.

Marvel Fan Challenge (Sat, 10:30a) North 132ABC 
Nothing has done more to bring our fandom to mainstream than the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, not all MCU films are created equal. From the first Iron Man to Captain Marvel, join professional nerds as they debate the last decade of Marvel films until there is an ultimate winner. Audience members will also be invited to join in on the panel discussion! This is a must for any superhero fans! Moderated by Tony Kim and the Hero Within Team

Crazy Nerd Asians (Sun, 10:30a) North 226BBC
From “Joy Luck Club” to “Crazy Rich Asians,” much has changed in the landscape of pop culture- however, many obstacles still exist. In this humorous but poignant discussion, diverse geek experts discuss breaking all ethnic stereotypes, current casting decisions and what changes need to happen for us to boldly go into the future. Hosted by Tony Kim (, HeroWithin).

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