Ricci's Hero Story

May 23, 2018

Ricci's Hero Story

There is nothing more powerful than your origin story. Regardless of time, place or culture, the struggles and heroes of our early life shapes us as adults. That's why it's a value to us to acknowledge and celebrate the story of those a part of our Hero Within Family. Super fanboy and blog contributor, Ricci, shares his hero story with us:

Who were your childhood heroes, fictional and in real life and why?
Growing up in the 90s, I was introduced to comic book heroes and villains through the eyes of my sister. My sister exposed me to the wonders of the X-Men and her favorites quickly became mine. Sitting with her on Saturday mornings and watching Marvel's block on Fox Kids was the highlight of my week. Watching her geek out over Wolverine, Gambit and Rogue was incredible. Her eyes truly sparkled for Storm, especially during the Days of Future Past story arc. I then saw her eyes marvel with wonder at heroes like Bishop, Forge, and Jubilee. It was through her that I learned the importance of diversity in comics. Once my sister cracked the door of comics, I decided to kick it open and web-sling into Spider-Man: The Animated Series and grapple into Batman: The Animated Series. I continued to morph into a geek with the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and gained a love of pizza through watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. While everyone from Storm, Wolverine, Spider-Man, the Green Ranger (and the White Ranger) along with Ralphel were my heroes as a kid in real life, it was my sister who was my real hero. If it wasn't for her I would not be the person I am and I miss her every day. Everything I do in the world of geek culture is for her. Thank you, Amy. I love you.

In your opinion, who do you think is the most important hero in pop culture today and why?
In my opinion, the most important hero in pop culture today is whatever hero creates that sparkle in the eye of the next generation. Generations ago kids were captivated by Christopher Reeves as Superman. Years later comic fans were born with Michael Keaton's portrayal as Batman. In just the past two years Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman and Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther has shown that there can be both critical and commercial value in diversity. These two heroes have allowed kids around the world to look at a movie poster or advertisement and say the words "that's me" or "I want to be her". The issue of inclusion within diversity both rewards and inspires geek culture. So who is the most important hero in pop culture today? That would be whoever inspires the next generation to not only believe in themselves but to also pick up a comic book and continue to be inspired.  
How has our modern era of heroes inspired, influenced, or changed you?
When I think of the modern era of heroes I think about the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I still enjoy DC, IDW, Image, Dark Horse, etc. but what Marvel has done with the MCU is nothing short of... well... marvelous. Weaving the connective tissue of 19 movies over the course of 10 years seemed impossible when Ironman first debuted in 2008. Yet through easter eggs, references, and after credits scenes, Marvel has created a true cinematic universe that has inspired so many other studios to follow. The MCU has influenced geek culture by bringing normalcy to comic book fandom. It has inspired me to become even more comfortable in my own skin and to not only continue to be a part of geek culture but to speak up on issues that matter within our community. 
Thanks Ricci! Check out his YouTube channel at Just A Common Fan. If you would like to share your story, contact us at Info@HeroWithinStory.com.

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