Shopping Events in LA & OC

December 12, 2016

Shopping Events in LA & OC

For those of you that live in LA or in Orange County, would you be interested in attending a shopping event hosted at a couple of local comic book shops a few days before Christmas? You could try on coats/pants, purchase immediately and avoid shipping! Locations at this time are Van Nuys and Lake Forest not official yet- we are gauging interest. Let us know if you would be interested and we would love to meet you! Our coats would make great last minute Christmas gifts!

If you are interested, leave a comment or e-mail

**Update 12/14/16**

We are still working out details but will post the official times and locations on this blog this week. Thanks all!

2 Responses


December 20, 2016

YES, I’m interested in any shopping event in LA or OC …please let me know when/where
thank you!!


December 13, 2016

Please email your next shopping event in Los Angeles, thank you.

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