Liz's Hero Story

Liz's Hero Story

July 09, 2016

While I have so many female superheroes that I look up to, I have a personal love for Ironman. Ironman uses his love for technology to change the world, and he doesn't see limits. He only sees potential. My husband works in technology, and while he doesn't share the same arrogance (ha!) as Ironman, he shares the same love for technology and how it can change lives...
How to Rock New Style at Comic-Con and Beyond

How to Rock New Style at Comic-Con and Beyond

July 08, 2016

If I didn't have my friend there the first time, I probably never would've gone to another con again. Having a friend near is encouraging and empowering. Same goes for trying new clothes and new styles.

Hero Within and Catherine Elhoffer

Hero Within and Catherine Elhoffer

July 07, 2016

If you are a geek girl and have been anywhere near the internet then you will have heard of Catherine Elhoffer of Elhoffer Design. She is an independent designer and a one woman force of nature for fashion. She was recently featured in Blastr about her journey into fandom fashion. Her origin story includes design school, Her Universe...
SDCC Tip: A Little Sole Prep (Geek Fashion)

SDCC Tip: A Little Sole Prep (Geek Fashion)

July 07, 2016

If you're familiar with the con life, you know that there's no fatigue like con fatigue. At the end of the day when the feet and ankles are throbbing... Worth it, yes, but what did the journey look like?

Our Launch Recap

Our Launch Recap

July 07, 2016

The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. A lot of enthusiasm from both geek guys and gals. There has already been a lot of requests for accessories, a women's line as well as other properties like Marvel, Star Wars, etc...
Welcome to Hero Within!

Welcome to Hero Within!

July 04, 2016

While geek culture has exploded in the past decade, men's fashion has hardly taken a step. While female fashion has taken bold leaps in the past few years, the men are stuck in a temporal vortex with basic graphic tees and hoodies. 'They' say guys won't shop or that men don't care about clothes or their appearances. I don't believe that...

Help your youngling find their hero within

Help your youngling find their hero within

June 27, 2016

Shared experiences with our kids makes them extra special, as any parent can attest to.  What I like the most about that, are the lessons learned by the both of us.  How to unleash that Hero Within. 
Supergirl Comes In For The Landing

Supergirl Comes In For The Landing

June 25, 2016

We love how Collider views these crossover events put on by The CW: "Basically, they (The CW) tend to treat these crossovers as major storytelling events, usually to help expand their existing universe."

A Hero's Choice

A Hero's Choice

May 23, 2016

"Who's your favorite superhero?" A pretty common question for an icebreaker or even a nerd reality check. When it comes to the Justice League of America, the choice doesn't get any easier. I mean, you can't just narrow it down to just one, can you?
Hero Within Begins...

Hero Within Begins...

May 08, 2016

The official Hero Within website has been under construction since early May. Welcome to the 'News' section of the site where we make special announcements, reveal new product and share what's coming up with Hero Within.

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